Sunday, November 27, 2011
Self-Regulation or Government Regulation: Which Is Better for Hospitals and Health Systems?
Monday, November 21, 2011
Our Dysfunctional Health-Care System: Can Cost Cutting Heal It?
Monday, November 14, 2011
As We Eliminate Life-Time Benefit Caps on Health Insurance, We Continue to Short Change Ourselves on Health Care
Monday, September 26, 2011
Health Benefit Plans for Consumers: More Choices at Higher Cost
Friday, September 9, 2011
It’s Time to Rethink the Tax Exemption for Non-Profit Hospitals
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Medicare May Be Serving Seniors, but It’s Putting the Rest of Us in a Financial Death Grip
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Health Care Reform, the “Constitutional Hazard” and Innovation
It would be entertaining to hear health-care experts debate whether health-care reform has been a catalyst or deer edterrent to innovation within the health care market. On the one hand, tremendous uncertainty exists as to whether or not the health-care reform law, in part or in the whole, will withstand the constitutional challenges now working their way through the lower courts.
On the other hand, there’s no denying that the reform act and the escalating cost of care in general have spawned a tremendous surge of activity as market participants seek to cash in on the stated – and perceived – changes that will take place over the next three to five years.
The events of the past week further underscored the dynamic nature of health care in 2011. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed an earlier decision striking down the individual mandate as unconstitutional. Admittedly, the ruling was a divided one. And though other courts have affirmed the constitutionality of the mandate, the 11th Circuit’s decision reminded us once again that we really won’t know for certain whether the Affordable Care Act will stand until the U.S. Supreme Court issues a final ruling.
In the meantime, the regulatory machinery tasked with implementing the Act churns forward. Almost simultaneously with the 11th Circuit’s decision, The Department of Health and Human Services announced that it was awarding more than $185 million in “Exchange Establishment Grants” to 13 states and the District of Columbia to support state-level implementation of health insurance exchanges, that must be operational by January 1, 2013. Dozens of other major initiatives either have been or are being implemented.
All of this introduces the possibility that the Supreme Court judges may be asked to factor into their deliberation the fact that so much has already been done to implement the law. They could decide that a full and outright repeal, while perhaps the legally correct outcome, would be so disruptive as to be unwise. This is the “constitutional hazard” confronting us today.
If ever there were a reason for health-care decision makers to take a wait-and-see approach, this is it. Except that underneath the storm cloud of uncertainty hovering over the health-care market, a high level of innovation is taking place.
Consider, for example, the announcement last week by Walgreens that this fall, the company would begin marketing health insurance to its customers through its own version of a health-insurance exchange. Walgreens will partner with selected health-insurance partners and attempt to use its enormous retail footprint to become a one-stop shop for all health-care needs.
To understand the potential significance of this, ask yourself: When driving down a busy street, what am I more likely to observe – an insurance brokerage, or a Walgreens store? If consumers show a willingness to buy insurance from the same retailer that sells them prescriptions, we may soon see insurance brokers working for Walgreens.
Other companies are also putting their toes in the health-insurance exchange waters. Aon, the large national insurance consultancy, announced earlier this year that it would create a health-insurance exchange for employers with more than 1,000 employees. The value Aon seeks to create lets large employers exit the business of administering health-benefit programs. In the Aon model, a large employer simply decides how much to spend on health benefits and lets Aon do the rest. For their part, employees presumably get more choices to select from, and avail themselves of more professional, simplified administrative support.
Within the broad uncertainty of health care reform implementation, there are then, at least two significant trends emerging.
Second, market participants are aggressively re-examining their traditional business models and markets and are looking to grow into adjacent markets that expand their footprint. This is the case with Walgreens, but they’re not alone. Hospitals are becoming health systems, and many will also become insurers within their local markets.
Whether driven by reform or the pressures of the market, change is afoot in health care. I will leave it to others to decide whether all this change represents true innovation.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The National Significance of the Highmark and West Penn Allegheny Merger
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Its Time to Get the Government out of Fixing Prices for Health Care
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Battle of the Bulge – America’s Obesity Epidemic
Les Murray
Monday, July 4, 2011
For the Most Part, We Behave Ourselves into Diabetes, and Our Health-Care System Doesn’t Do Much about That
Think about it. Worldwide, 347-million human beings worldwide suffer from diabetes, according to a Lancet study released earlier this week. That’s more than the entire population of the United States and Canada combined. Throughout the world, the prevalence of diabetes has doubled over the past 30 years. In the United States, the prevalence of diabetes has tripled.
In the U.S., the dramatic rise in the number of people with this disease is troubling, and for good reason. Diabetes is almost entirely preventable. In fact, until the late 20th century, Type-2 diabetes, the most common form, was unheard of. And so, in many ways, Type 2 diabetes can be thought of as a yardstick to measure how closely human beings live in sync or out of sync with the natural-health ecosystem. Looked at this way, we can say that we have strayed off the path, and don’t seem to be heading back toward it any time soon.
Of course, diabetes also comes at a cost. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that diabetes treatment costs amounted to $116 billion in 2007. The CDC also indicates that because of diabetes, another $58 billion was incurred in lost productivity, absenteeism, and the like. What’s more, Americans with diabetes can expect to incur medical costs that are more than double what the rest of the population will incur.
Diabetes is also often accompanied by the onset of other chronic conditions, and account for much of the morbidity patients with diabetes face. According to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, most adults with diabetes have at least one co-morbid chronic disease, and as many as 40 percent have at least three.
Get the picture? More than 8 percent of Americans are diabetic, and this number has tripled in the past 30 years. Those with diabetes consume health care at twice the rate of the rest of society. And diabetes is often associated with the onset of other chronic conditions. You don’t need to plot this on a graph to know that we have a real problem.
The sad news–and also the reason for hope–is that diabetes is not only preventable, but apparently reversible. In a recent experiment, Newcastle University researchers found that an extreme, eight-week diet of 600 calories a day can reverse Type 2 diabetes in people newly-diagnosed with the disease. There are other examples of individuals who, through adopting a lifestyle of regular exercise and healthy eating, have reduced or minimized their diabetic symptoms.
Diabetes, closely tied to being overweight or obese, is perhaps the most important disease for us to get our arms around. It’s also the hardest to make headway against, because its onset is almost entirely behaviorally driven.
We have a pathway for making progress against this disease. Two-thirds of the population that’s overweight or obese can control diabetes in large part by adopting healthy diets, exercising regularly, and losing weight.
I know what you’re thinking. If only it were that easy.
Although a small portion of Americans are predisposed to diabetes, for most of us, diabetes is the inevitable consequence of lifestyle choices they’ve made that have ultimately taken a toll on the body’s ability to maintain a healthy state. The problem is, our health-care system doesn’t do a very good job when it comes to affecting large-scale, behavior change. After all, how many times have each of us been told to eat less and exercise more often? In the aggregate, how’s that working for us?
Our health-care system is most confident in dealing with specific conditions for which there is a defined treatment or cure. The system is not so good at affecting the behaviors of individuals.
Progress on the diabetes front requires a larger vision–one that is societal in scope. It involves changing how we think about our modern world by asking the right questions.
Is physical convenience always progress? Especially if it means we become more sedentary?
Is providing easy access to low-cost, high-glycemic-index foods good public policy? Are we willing to accept reduced access to, and higher prices for, these choices?
Is a fee-for-service payment system in which physicians spend 12 to 15 minutes with a patient the best way to relay the consequences of poor lifestyle choices and the consequences of diabetes?
We’ve got big decisions to make, as individuals, as health-care leaders, and as a society. We also don’t have much time to waste.
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Fight for Accountable Care
The medical community and the Department of Health and Human Services are currently embroiled in a fight over the makeup of regulations that will frame the Accountable Care Organization model for Medicare. If this were the NFL players’ union negotiations, observers would describe the parties as being “far apart.” In fact, The Wall Street Journal went so far over the weekend to editorialize on the “Accountable Care Fiasco.”
There are many ways to view this dispute between the health industry and its regulator. It’s a fair argument to say that the 429-page, proposed ACO rule represents an aggressive effort by the government to micromanage ACOs as they develop. Over-regulate ACOs at the beginning, critics argue, and they will never voluntarily materialize.
One can also argue that the proposed rules are simply an early attempt by regulators who are more familiar with the regulation of fee-for-service health care than the regulations of integrated-care delivery systems. The Obama administration, which made ACOs a cornerstone of its Medicare cost- containment strategy, will almost certainly react to the pushback that’s happening with a revised set of regulations that are more accommodating to industry’s concerns.
No matter how you view this tug of war, we can’t afford to let accountable care organizations fail to get off the ground. Developing integrated health systems that effectively deliver population-based health care is a linchpin to improving health and managing costs. This is true whether we focus on Medicare, Medicaid, or the private market. Today’s fragmented deliver system, created to treat acute care needs and fueled by fee-for-service financing models, is ill-suited to manage a population in which chronic diseases drive 75 percent of our costs.
Whether ACOs take hold in Medicare is largely a function of will power and economics. Will health care leaders be willing to risk taking their organizations into the ambiguity of an ACO model without knowing all of the details? Will payers, especially Medicare, be willing to engage industry in a collaborative process in which adjustments are made as we learn more about what’s really important?
It’s often said, and for good reason, that Medicare and Medicaid are the 500-pound gorillas that drive health-care delivery. After all, they account for the lion’s share of revenue for many hospitals and health systems. Medicare and Medicaid policies also drive decisions that affect commercial insurance programs. For that reason, we should all hope that the government and industry can settle on an approach that works reasonably well for everyone. If they can, this framework can help shape and mold private sector, ACO models.
If reasonable Medicare ACO regulations can’t be agreed upon, the private sector lift is harder, but not impossible. Most important, the health-care industry can’t afford to use the failure to come to agreement on Medicare ACO regulations as an excuse not to press forward. The stakes are too high, and the alternative–the status quo–is unsustainable.
We are at a crossroads. The leadership capacity of the health-care industry will be tested as never before. Collaboration is becoming more important than competition. Accountability and determination must replace finger pointing and denial. Innovation and risk taking must be promoted and celebrated, even when it results in well-intended failure. Most important, we need to cultivate and support health-care leaders willing to embrace ambiguity and lead through it. We won’t always have perfect information or clearly-defined rules of engagement.
Let’s hope that six months from now, we can look back on the current Medicare ACO draft regulations as nothing other than an honest attempt to move the ball forward, and that we’ve advanced the model further down the road. Whether Medicare drives the development of Accountable Care Organizations or the private sector develops accountable care organizations outside the rubric of regulation, we need to bring to life the promise of accountable care.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Obama's Gift to the Heritage Foundation
For the past 30 years, the Heritage Foundation and many conservatives have advocated the virtues of a reformed health care market in which individuals take ownership of selecting their health benefits. The Obama health care reforms may deliver just that result to millions of Americans. At least that’s the outlook described in a study released by McKinsey & Company early last week.
McKinsey suggests that employers will stop providing employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) under health care reform at a much greater rate than previously assumed. Earlier government studies estimated that, beginning in 2014, up to 9 million Americans would shift from employer-sponsored insurance to insurance purchased through Health Insurance Exchanges. McKinsey estimates that as many as 30% of employers will definitely or probably stop offering ESI in the years after 2014.
A core finding of the McKinsey analysis is the recognition that employers have a built-in incentive to capture the government subsidies made available to individuals earning less than 400% of the federal poverty rate and for whom their health insurance premiums exceed 9.5% of their income. By facilitating a scenario in which premiums for low-income employees exceed 9.5%, employers can reduce their health care costs, even after paying a government-imposed penalty.
The McKinsey study identifies a number of ways employers can facilitate this strategy, but the net effect of each approach is an outcome in which highly-paid employees retain employer-sponsored insurance and lower-compensated employees migrate toward purchasing health insurance through the Exchanges. In the process, employers can effectively cap their health insurance liabilities at a fixed amount.’
If McKinsey is correct in its analysis, the implications for the health benefits industry are significant.
- The health benefit marketplace will be more “retail” than ever before. Health Insurance Exchange purchasers will perhaps represent the “lions share” of the commercial health insurance market. Health insurers will need to effectively segment their customers on a basis other than medical costs to be successful.
- The purchasing considerations of employers will likewise evolve. Employer-sponsored insurance may become a more pronounced tool for attracting and retaining highly-skilled employees. If this is the case, employers may become less fixated on the total cost of the product and more interested in the value-added product features that in the past have been left on the “cutting room floor.”
- The health improvement and wellness sector can also be expected to undergo change. Employers have never been completely sold on the ROI of health improvement and wellness programs. As significant portions of employees move into the Health Insurance Exchange market where employer costs are fixed, it is unclear whether employer-sponsored health improvement and wellness programs will be as highly valued as a cost containment tool. Health improvement and wellness program providers will have to sell employers on a different value proposition, one that emphasizes the ability of these programs to improve workforce satisfaction, engagement and productivity.
- Finally, it would be shortsighted to think that the government would see such an influx of subsidy-eligible employees without reacting. If McKinsey is right in its analysis, the government’s cost estimates are woefully low. It will not take long for the government to react, most likely by increasing the penalty employers pay when their employees opt out of employer sponsored coverage.
Ironically, it may be the Obama health care reforms that move the country further than it ever imagined toward an individually-driven consumer market.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The New Health-Care Cost Equation:Individual Accountability + Cost Cutting = Better Futures for All of Us
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median U.S. household income was $50,211 in 2010. Even though the total cost of health care is not born solely by households, the proportion of household incomes spent on health care still remains significant. In fact, employees’ share of the total cost of health care has reached an all-time high and accounts for reaching almost 40% of total health care spending in 2010.
If health-care costs aren’t brought under control soon, the U.S. health care system can look forward to even more drastic changes as we wrestle with how to get costs under control. Our country’s economic future will require that we contain health-care costs before they crowd out an even larger portion of personal spending and the economy.
Implicit in the MIlliman study lies a fascinating story.
Of last year’s health-care cost increase, most of the increase–about 90%--resulted solely from increases in the unit cost of health care services. In contrast, only 10% was driven by increases in the use of health-care services. The price of hospital inpatient services rose 8.3%; outpatient services crept up as the price of physician services increased 4.4%.
Given this scenario, it’s fair to conclude that at least for the moment, private sector health-care spending isn’t propelled by a population of increasingly unhealthy individuals.
What’s more, price increases levied by the health-care system are driving commercial health insurance premiums higher.
In the zany U.S. health-care financing ecosystem, cost shifting from other payment sources is always an issue. And given the Milliman findings, we’ll surely see a significant amount of cost shifting at play. In today’s fiscal environment, Medicare and Medicaid are not increasing the prices they pay for health care. If this continues, providers of care can be expected to increase the prices they charge to commercial patients at a faster rate.
So is there any hope left for a reasonably well-performing, private health-care delivery and financing system? Maybe, but only if we collectively develop a mindset that focuses on health-care cost reduction--not containment or control--as our single most important priority.
For generations, we’ve thought of health-care expenditures as national “investments” in the health of our society. The problem is if past spending was an investment in the health of today’s population, it has produced dismal returns. As a society, we’ve never been in poorer health than we are today.
We need a mind shift in how we think about health care. Each of us must accept an individual accountability for improving our health and a collective commitment to lowering the cost of treating ourselves when we get sick.
If we don’t, we’ll face economic and social consequences no one wants.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Jim Tressel’s Firing, and What it can Teach Health Care Leaders
“The NCAA rules are arcane and unfair,” say some.
“Coach Tressel’s real failing was in trying to cover up the original offense,” say others.
There is truth to both points of view. The lasting lesson, however, that each of us can take from this latest tragedy is this: Jim Tressel’s biggest and most important mistake was in letting the interests of a small handful of his players become greater than the interests of his team.
In trying to shield his star quarterback, Terrell Pryor, and a handful of other players from the scrutiny of possible NCAA violations, Jim Tressel paid a huge price--one of the best head coaching jobs in the country. He also sacrificed the interests of his entire team which will now play for a new coach, in a new system, under what will certainly be NCAA-imposed sanctions.
More than anything else, Jim Tressel lost sight of the values embedded in the Ohio State fight song and sung by over 100,000 fans every home game Saturday. "Our honor defend, we will fight to the end, for OHIO!"
What’s true for football coaches is also true for health-care leaders. By their very definition, organizations exist to pursue goals that they cannot achieve by individuals acting alone. As in sports, rules aren’t meant to be broken, they’re meant to be followed and enforced. And in health care, more so than most other industries, rules are the norm.
How many health-care leaders do you know who’ve fallen because they didn’t live up to the compliance standards their organization must meet? Like the conversation now swirling around the Jim Tressel resignation, it’s not hard to envision a conversation that goes something like this: “Everybody knows those rules are a joke; who can live up to those standards anyway?”
As health-care managers face complying with regulations that are often burdensome and ineffective, it’s tempting to take the bait and excuse compliance transgressions. As leaders, however, excusing transgressions of any type is organizational suicide, and can never be tolerated.
I’m not suggesting that every compliance violation requires a firing. I’m recommending strong allegiance to compliance with the rules, no matter how arcane, and whatever the consequences.
Otherwise, your organization–your team–will begin to accept the big compromise that the players at Ohio State came to: That rules don’t matter; that different rules hold for different players. And that, my friend, is the beginning of the end for every organization that seeks greatness.